Steps For Texas LLC Formation Houston TX

djamal-soft السبت، 15 يونيو 2019
By Shirley Harris

Forming a company involves a number of steps. At least two people will need to team together and come up with some ideas. They will need to brainstorm on these ideas. The potential shareholders have to agree on the primary line of business of the Limited Liability Company. A company can deal with a wide range of business. Alternatively, it can deal with only one business. Texas LLC formation Houston TX will require some professional assistance. However, there are things that anybody will be able to do even if he does not have technical knowledge.

Finding a common vision is a vital step in LLC formation. A company needs to have mission and vision statements. Shareholders have to agree on where they want the company to be after a particular period of time. If shareholders have different visions for the company, success will be an illusion. A common vision is required even if shareholders have different personalities.

Creating a company name is another important step. If a group of like minded individuals have come together and they have agreed to start a company and they have a common mission and vision, then they will need to name their company. This is the name that will be used in the day to day business operations of the firm.

The company name will be present on all the documents of the company. It will be clearly indicated at the entrance of the office. If the company is manufacturing products, all the products will bear the company name. A name search process will help in identifying a unique name. A new company cannot use the name of an existing company in Texas.

Finding a registered agent is a crucial step. The agent will receive correspondence on behalf of the shareholders. Actually, the shareholders can be too busy to deal with the day to day running of the company. The agent needs to have an address where all the correspondence will be forwarded to. This must be a physical address and not a P. O. Box address.

Creating the articles of organization is another step. The shareholders can draft this themselves. Alternatively, they can enlist the help of an attorney. This document will contain the basic information of the company. The name of the company as well as its primary address should be indicated. The articles of organization should also state how the company will be managed.

An operating agreement can be drafted. Not every company has this. However, it is highly recommended to have an operating agreement for future dispute resolution. Even if shareholders have a shared and common vision, they can easily disagree in future. After all, they are just human beings. The ratio of profit/loss division should be stated by this document.

Forming an LLC instead of any other kind of business formation has its own unique pros and cons. There is the need to weigh the benefits against the drawbacks and determine if this is the best decision. A company is a separate entity from the shareholders. Thus, there is the benefit of limited liability which is not enjoyed for other types of business formations.

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