Tips For ATM Fraud Prevention Australia

djamal-soft الأربعاء، 2 يناير 2019
By Daniel Watson

If you want to count those people that use ATM cards a lot, you would have to include Australians as one of the top users. This is so because most of their stores support the cashless policy. This means that people prefer to carry the ATM cards to where they can use it to buy goods and services. Shops without the POS are fast accepting it as a method of payment to support ATM fraud prevention Australia.

One of the steps to take is to avoid using any ATM machine you are not sure of. If you find them where you are not sure of, you are advised not to use such. The real ones are either located in the bank, shopping malls or on the streets. Even when they are not in any bank, you should be sure that you can identify the owner.

Avoid going to the ATMs only in the night because that is when you can see more robbers on the road. If you are alone there, they can even strike you with their weapon to make you defenseless. Walking there with two or more people will make them a bit terrified to carry on their evil plans.

Furthermore, you may have to change your PIN every time you suspect that it has been compromised. When entering your PIN, try not to expose it because someone else may be watching from behind. Even when you just received the card from the bank or any other financial institution, you would need to change it before it long.

People who have activated their phone and email alerts for their bank accounts won't have so much to deal with. They will easily know when an impostor tries to steal their money and so contact the police and bank to do the needful. If money was withdrawn, the owner will know exactly where because the alert will also contain the address where the machine was fixed. It also happens this way when it is POS that is being used.

Using a machine located in a bank is better because getting back your card would be easier if it gets trapped. This is unlike using it on a machine you don't even know who manages. Losing your card is another way to be defrauded but this can be minimized by putting it in a wallet or at the back of your phone in its pouch.

If you get alerts for your transactions, asking for a receipt when using the ATM won't be useful. It is better not to ask for it but even if you do, make sure you tear it into shreds to avoid someone having an idea of what your account number looks like. It is risky for someone to know your account details or your last transactions because it can make him target you.

Let your card pin be something that is not easy to guess. Don't go for your birthdays, date of birth, or any other information that people already know about you. Also, don't write it down anywhere because you never can tell who will pick up the note later when you start looking for it.

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