السبت، 6 ديسمبر 2014

Benefits Of School Vending Machines

By Claudine Hodges

A vending machine can be described as a device that acts as an automatic vendor as it sells retail products without necessarily having a cashier. Most of the items sold by a vending machine are usually edible products like snacks. Most vending machines can be found in places with many people such as in hospitals, offices and also in schools. There has been a lot of heated debate over the past few years about whether it is really healthy to have school vending machines. For this reason, its important to analyze both the merits and the demerits of having these devices in the school environment.

Some of the rewards of having these devices are understandable. For instance, they can be one good manner of confirming there is no wastage of time in the learning organizations. In order for individuals to study well, they need to stay healthy by eating perfect meals throughout the day. Its quite time consuming to have the students go outside the institution every time to get something to eat but these machines can be useful in making certain this never takes place.

The management of the school can also make good use of these appliances rather than just using them to sell foods. The devices can come in handy if there are any uncomplicated transactions such as activity fee payments. The devices are also a good way of encouraging children eat healthy foods by making sure no unhealthy food is put in them. The foods must however be sold at a reasonable cost.

The above arguments may make it seem like these devices have nothing but advantages to both the students and the school management. Before making any decision about the installation of these retail devices, it is important to measure the advantages and the disadvantages and determine which ones outweigh the others. For this reason, we learn about the disadvantages of having these devices in schools.

Truth be told, many managements that buy these machines only have money on their mind. They only consider the profits they are likely to make rather than the lives of students. Many of them even make expensive deals to have the unhealthy foods delivered every day. This puts the health of the students at high risk.

Most of the foodstuffs sold in these organizations are considered unhealthy since they are made using a lot of sugars and fat which are the main things that are accountable for obesity cases. Aside from fatness, they are capable of causing other illnesses such as diabetes, blood pressure difficulties, arthritis and several other lifestyle diseases. This is why very many individuals discourage these apparatuses. They have actually been banned in some states.

There are many companies that depend on the income they get when they sell the automatic vendors to different institutions. It is therefore very unfair to ban them while it is possible to regulate how they are used. It is very possible to make sure that all foods in the machines are healthy and also affordable. By doing this, they can avoid suffering the disadvantages of these devices.

Nonetheless, the problem may come about when the children refuse to purchase the sold food because they normally prefer junk food. For this reason, every management needs to ensure they educate the students so that they understand the importance of living healthy and eating healthy food.

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