Throughout history, gold has always been a magical metal. Many different societies have used this rare substance as money and a sign of wealth. Wealthy members of society and rulers always cherished gold and adorned themselves with the yellow metal. Kings, queens and pharaohs decked themselves and their surroundings with gold throughout history as in this modern era, the very wealthy members of society have even used this precious metal to plate their cars. Gold has always been a sign of wealth and chances are that it will always be a sign of wealth and opulence.
When times get tough economically, banks, countries and wealthy individuals often turn to gold to preserve their riches. Gold gives people and societies the security of knowing that no matter what happens in the world, they will still be wealthy. While money in the bank can suddenly become worthless in times of trouble, gold in the hand will always be able to buy you the things you need to survive and live the life you have grown accustomed to. People might think that we're crazy to think this way or prepare for something that might never happen but it's often better to be safe than sorry. There are many countries where after a war their currency becomes as worthy as the paper its printed on. It is the wise investor who is prepared and the savvy person who is realistic about the future possibilities and invests at least a portion of his savings in a material that will hold its value as well as be liquid enough to turn into money no matter where he is in the world.
Many average people shy away from investing in gold and they fell more secure in saving their money in stocks, bonds, mutual funds or in savings accounts in banks. The worry often is that it would be difficult to transition their gold into spendable money. They worry that they will have some gold but no way to liquidate it in the event that they need that money. How is this done and is it possible to quickly turn your gold into spendable cash? In many countries, it is absolutely possible to exchange gold for currency over the counter at a bank. In other countries, you can sell your gold back to the company that you bought it from or any other company that buys and sells gold. Gold is very liquid and it is probably the only material that is known worldwide as the equivalent of money in physical form. How many other investments can you think of that are liquid as well as universally known?
Many other traditional investment vehicles such as antiques, art or real estate are actually less liquid than gold. Even though real estate has been historically a very solid investment that rarely loses value, your ability to liquidate this asset quickly while preserving any gain is very difficult to do in any situation other than a booming market. Real estate might be a great way to invest but in the event of a market collapse it lacks the liquidity and security that you might be looking for. Gold doesn't have this problem and it is as liquid as stocks, when you delve into this investment.
Gold is a very stable investment and this is often why people look to buy this precious metal. It has stood the test of time and provides the security that other sources lack during inflationary period. During times when the stock market is declining or confidence in the market is uncertain, gold does very well as investors move their money into precious metals. It often moves directly opposite of the stock market and these trends can be seen historically. While gold makes sense as an investment, there is also often a hidden reason why many people put some if not all of their savings in gold or an account backed by precious metals. Deep down inside each and every one of us is a desire to own it and hold it in our hands.
Growing up, many of us dreamed of being wealthy. We all knew what gold was from the time we were quite young. We played games and dreamed of being kings, queens or the richest person in the world. Part of that dream may have involved having a safe filled with gold bricks. As we grew older, the allure of gold continued. Gold jewelry, gold engagement rings and maybe even the desire to own a little gold continued. We wanted to feel secure. We wanted that feeling that we had arrived that comes with owning gold whether that be a gold ingot or a perfect gold coin.
Owning gold satisfies this carnal desire to be wealthy and secure. It's likely that more than one investor has relived that childhood dream and stood with a smile on his or her face as they held their first gold ingot in their hands. They had arrived. They were living that childhood dream. Of course, this probably isn't the main reason why most people invest in good but it sure is one of the fun parts.
When times get tough economically, banks, countries and wealthy individuals often turn to gold to preserve their riches. Gold gives people and societies the security of knowing that no matter what happens in the world, they will still be wealthy. While money in the bank can suddenly become worthless in times of trouble, gold in the hand will always be able to buy you the things you need to survive and live the life you have grown accustomed to. People might think that we're crazy to think this way or prepare for something that might never happen but it's often better to be safe than sorry. There are many countries where after a war their currency becomes as worthy as the paper its printed on. It is the wise investor who is prepared and the savvy person who is realistic about the future possibilities and invests at least a portion of his savings in a material that will hold its value as well as be liquid enough to turn into money no matter where he is in the world.
Many average people shy away from investing in gold and they fell more secure in saving their money in stocks, bonds, mutual funds or in savings accounts in banks. The worry often is that it would be difficult to transition their gold into spendable money. They worry that they will have some gold but no way to liquidate it in the event that they need that money. How is this done and is it possible to quickly turn your gold into spendable cash? In many countries, it is absolutely possible to exchange gold for currency over the counter at a bank. In other countries, you can sell your gold back to the company that you bought it from or any other company that buys and sells gold. Gold is very liquid and it is probably the only material that is known worldwide as the equivalent of money in physical form. How many other investments can you think of that are liquid as well as universally known?
Many other traditional investment vehicles such as antiques, art or real estate are actually less liquid than gold. Even though real estate has been historically a very solid investment that rarely loses value, your ability to liquidate this asset quickly while preserving any gain is very difficult to do in any situation other than a booming market. Real estate might be a great way to invest but in the event of a market collapse it lacks the liquidity and security that you might be looking for. Gold doesn't have this problem and it is as liquid as stocks, when you delve into this investment.
Gold is a very stable investment and this is often why people look to buy this precious metal. It has stood the test of time and provides the security that other sources lack during inflationary period. During times when the stock market is declining or confidence in the market is uncertain, gold does very well as investors move their money into precious metals. It often moves directly opposite of the stock market and these trends can be seen historically. While gold makes sense as an investment, there is also often a hidden reason why many people put some if not all of their savings in gold or an account backed by precious metals. Deep down inside each and every one of us is a desire to own it and hold it in our hands.
Growing up, many of us dreamed of being wealthy. We all knew what gold was from the time we were quite young. We played games and dreamed of being kings, queens or the richest person in the world. Part of that dream may have involved having a safe filled with gold bricks. As we grew older, the allure of gold continued. Gold jewelry, gold engagement rings and maybe even the desire to own a little gold continued. We wanted to feel secure. We wanted that feeling that we had arrived that comes with owning gold whether that be a gold ingot or a perfect gold coin.
Owning gold satisfies this carnal desire to be wealthy and secure. It's likely that more than one investor has relived that childhood dream and stood with a smile on his or her face as they held their first gold ingot in their hands. They had arrived. They were living that childhood dream. Of course, this probably isn't the main reason why most people invest in good but it sure is one of the fun parts.
About the Author:
Click here to learn more about gold and investing. Discover the nuances of investing in precious metals.
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