Can Slots Be Focused On By A Long Island CPA?

djamal-soft الخميس، 20 مارس 2014
By Robbie Sutter

Typically, I would never assume that slot machines would be the types of machines used to aid the focus of any Long Island CPA. These are the types of machines that people spend money on for the sake of earning even more money, after all. Considering how leisurely these devices can be, how could anyone assume that they would prove useful for the sake of business? From what I have seen, though, they may prove to be more useful than what most would have expected.

The Washington Post published an article in regards to a system that can help a number of small businesses. Going by the name of "Volt Fund," it's a program that deserves the attention of any Long Island CPA because of how it can take a share of proceeds from any slot machine and apply them to smaller companies owned by minorities and women. To say that this has potential would be an understatement. Companies like CFO Consulting Services should take note of this story and its developments.

Maryland has seen quite a bit of success because of this system and there are a couple of examples to make note of. For one, Anne Arundel County has been able to bring in a number of commercial loans because of Volt Fund. However, what has caught my interest more than most is the way in which it has grown over the course of time. It began in2007 but what's worthy of note is that it did not become active until 2012, when it had enough of a financial backbone to do so.

I believe that this particular system should be made note of because of how slot machines are, typically, not clear with what they're going towards. What will the money be utilized for later on down the road? The system in Maryland, at least to some degree, has made this matter of thinking much clearer and I do not think that anyone can say differently on the matter. Volt Fund, in my mind, is a strong idea and it is one that has earned attention for the right reasons.

To say that Volt Fund is an unconventional way for money to be raised for smaller businesses to use would be an understatement. However, I'd like to think that it's because of this that the system has enough potential for it to be proven useful over the course of time. It goes without saying that there will always be new ideas that come to the surface, some of them more effective than others. This is all the reason for Volt Fund to exist and, hopefully, thrive.

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